Happy solstice or thereabouts.
Been back for a while now, got all the work stuff sorted out. I'm at
least content now to get Winamp 5 out, we'll see how it all goes from
I got some stomach bug or something, I think Allison had it a week ago.
Bleh, feeling a little better today though.
I joined the man-purse club the other day. Hah hah. Now I can carry
around lots more shit with me. But not _too_ much, meaning no 8lbs
laptop (thank god, that thing was pain to carry).
Was gonna get to go to the AOL Lou Reed show at the Warfield tonight,
but my fever just broke this morning, so I better take it easy. Going
to see Mogwai monday, which I'm excited about, though.
Recorded this in a couple of hours last week:
It's kinda groovy, and has a few problems, but overall I like it.
My sister's gonna come visit in 10 days, and we're gonna play around.
She may have some [good?] influences on me, what with getting me to
make more structure in things. But then again, maybe structure is
overrated? Anyway, fun stuff.
Hmm I still need to make the real finger work on this, I think I'll
do that now. :)