justin = {main feed = { recent comments, search } , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
Yes, Exactly, Yes! PLoaC
October 21, 2018
(youtube link)


Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - Start Together, Finish Together -- [18:13]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - Cosmos -- [20:45]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - Shared Memory IV (extended) -- [20:27]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - Effects of Fog -- [14:19]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - Die from Us -- [7:53]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 - Chaos (Legacy) -- [12:55]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 - Trees/Mold -- [6:25]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 - The River -- [7:57]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 9 - Always Kill Nazis When You Can -- [6:22]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 10 - Cooling Sequence -- [11:23]

1 Comment

(youtube link)


Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - The Hindenburg (Extended) -- [16:04]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - The Internal Dialogue of a Cartographer -- [12:59]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - Swimming in Circles -- [9:15]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - Illogical Anomaly -- [7:11]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - Monstrous Endgame -- [8:32]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 - Rhythm Beyond the Stars -- [7:42]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 - Antique Trick -- [11:37]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 - Upset at the Wether -- [3:54]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 9 - Private Life -- [9:00]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 10 - Sweet Talk -- [8:42]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 11 - Standing in Hell Again -- [7:32]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 12 - Critters, Be Gone! -- [9:22]


Commentary about editing, I guess? I like the end.

(youtube link)


Yes, Exactly, Yes!
October 17, 2018
(youtube link)

October 16, 2018
Decanted Youth - 1 - By Boat / Light Creeps -- [10:32]
Decanted Youth - 2 - Lonely Manic -- [4:07]
Decanted Youth - 3 - Fight like an Old Man / Comments Section -- [14:29]
Decanted Youth - 4 - Dorsal Fin (Cello) / Set in Stone -- [16:31]
Decanted Youth - 5 - Untitled (Cello) -- [2:50]
Decanted Youth - 6 - Pure Self Doubt (Cello) [explicit lyrics] -- [6:07]
Decanted Youth - 7 - Downstairs (light lounge version) -- [11:43]
Decanted Youth - 8 - Spring -- [5:20]
Decanted Youth - 9 - Kerosene / Bury Your Head -- [21:00]
retrospective ride
October 15, 2018
(youtube link)

October 14, 2018
Decanted Youth - 1 - Another (Mostly Imperfect) World -- [6:40]
Decanted Youth - 2 - Spring, Instrumental -- [12:45]
Decanted Youth - 3 - Pragmatism (Cello) / The Means -- [11:26]
Decanted Youth - 4 - Think of the Children -- [4:31]
Decanted Youth - 5 - On Second Thought, Don't -- [4:16]
Decanted Youth - 6 - This Tells You There's More -- [11:33]
Decanted Youth - 7 - Reconsider / Insecurity -- [5:09]
Decanted Youth - 8 - Downstairs (Not Now) -- [15:40]
Decanted Youth - 9 - What If We All Just Disappeared -- [13:42]
(youtube link)


andre - 1 -- [9:35]
andre - 2 -- [12:01]
andre - 3 -- [18:01]
andre - 4 -- [4:10]
andre - 5 -- [7:56]
super8 - 1 -- [17:09]
super8 - 2 -- [9:56]

1 Comment

October 11, 2018
(youtube link)

Side note: apparently the only thing I ever post here is YouTube videos. Weird.

1 Comment

October 10, 2018
the means
October 5, 2018
Decanted Youth - 1 - Hopeless, Helpless / The Ladder (cover) -- [7:39]
Decanted Youth - 2 - Punditry -- [5:39]
Decanted Youth - 3 - In the End, Who Is Your Friend? -- [12:31]
Decanted Youth - 4 - The Squeeze -- [8:12]
Decanted Youth - 5 - Should Have Known Better / Light Creeps -- [22:22]
(youtube link)


Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - Unstable Thunder -- [9:18]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - August Everywhere -- [11:13]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - The Lies Aren't Good Enough -- [10:36]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - Two Frogs -- [8:49]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - Smoldering -- [12:30]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 - Toxic Tenderness -- [12:15]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 - Saturn Is Losing Its Rings -- [10:25]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 - Uncoiled -- [7:24]


October 1, 2018
(youtube link)


live solo improv: super8

(youtube link)


andy_sarai_jimmy - 1 -- [6:56]
andy_sarai_jimmy - 2 -- [9:14]
andy_sarai_jimmy - 3 -- [5:30]
andy_sarai_jimmy - 4 -- [12:36]
decanted youth live at rocky sullivans

(youtube link)

(posted a day late -- also, stupid vertical video, heh)


super8_cocktail - 1 -- [18:37]
super8_cocktail - 2 -- [0:39]

(youtube link)

(posted after the fact)


Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - Angry Teleprompter -- [23:52]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - Rendered Circumstances -- [8:59]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - Not Like Them -- [8:08]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - Lugubrious -- [10:34]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - Reflecting Scars -- [3:47]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 - Reflecting Scars (reprise) -- [8:02]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 - Metallic Dinosaurs Without Remorse -- [18:35]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 - Candy Bandit -- [9:47]

September 21, 2018
Decanted Youth - 1 - Not Above -- [10:29]
Decanted Youth - 2 - The Squeeze -- [7:10]
Decanted Youth - 3 - What If We All Just Disappeared -- [22:07]
Decanted Youth - 4 - Legacy -- [12:53]
Decanted Youth - 5 - Kerosene -- [4:09]
Decanted Youth - 6 - Insecurity -- [7:39]
Decanted Youth - 7 - Niente -- [5:49]
Decanted Youth - 8 - Denial -- [9:09]
Decanted Youth - 9 - Part of Your Brain Is Being Used -- [4:46]
Decanted Youth - 10 - In Retrospect, I Would Have Started Right Where I Did -- [19:23]
(youtube link)

(posted after the fact)


Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - Unexpected Gyrations on the Battlefield -- [15:00]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - Binary Stalkers with Sensitive Afflictions -- [44:58]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - Serious Rendezvous -- [10:47]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - Emotionally Bewildering -- [12:22]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - Saucy Drone -- [7:42]


September 17, 2018
Decanted Youth - 1 - Do You Recognize Yourself All Alone? -- [14:24]
Decanted Youth - 2 - The Blame Game -- [6:43]
Decanted Youth - 3 - The Squeeze -- [6:35]
Decanted Youth - 4 - Storms -- [3:46]
Decanted Youth - 5 - Storms (reprise) -- [6:26]
Decanted Youth - 6 - Major Major Major -- [3:48]
Decanted Youth - 7 - Major Major Major (reprise) -- [3:40]
Decanted Youth - 8 - Kerosene -- [3:56]
Decanted Youth - 9 - Round and Round -- [12:20]
Decanted Youth - 10 - In the End, What of It? -- [22:53]
Decanted Youth - 11 - Contain Yourself -- [16:44]
Decanted Youth - 12 - Mutterings of Galaxies -- [12:55]
September 14, 2018
Decanted Youth - 1 - Crawl to the Finish -- [26:02]
Decanted Youth - 2 - Pound the Ground -- [16:07]
Decanted Youth - 3 - Downstairs / Don't Panic / Downstairs -- [10:53]
Decanted Youth - 4 - 2 Minute Story About Electronic Commerce / What If We All Just Disappeared / Spring -- [25:12]
Decanted Youth - 5 - Last Light -- [6:27]
Decanted Youth - 6 - Last Light (reprise) -- [4:35]
Decanted Youth - 7 - Last Light Overture (instrumental) / Insecurity -- [18:00]
Decanted Youth - 8 - We'll Figure It Out (Eventually) -- [13:22]
Decanted Youth - 9 - Progressions Unravel -- [10:40]
(youtube link)

(posted after the fact)


Decanted Youth - 1 - Words Without Friends -- [7:33]
Decanted Youth - 2 - Don't Panic -- [6:26]
Decanted Youth - 3 - What If We All Just Disappeared -- [8:32]
Decanted Youth - 4 - Legacy -- [8:53]
Decanted Youth - 5 - Oath, Please? -- [5:13]
Decanted Youth - 6 - Spring -- [6:17]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - Impulsive Whispers -- [15:42]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - Small Talk -- [8:11]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - The River Prelude -- [9:17]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - The River (Early) -- [12:14]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - Pistol-Whipped Apparitions -- [10:16]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 - Toxic Crisis / Toxic Crisis Averted -- [15:27]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 - Pillows on a Beach -- [9:13]


storms trees elevators
September 11, 2018
(posted after the fact)

(youtube link)


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