Spent a lot of today (yesterday? since it's now 12:45am) working on my little homemade microcontroller board. Seems when I put a AT90S8515 in it, it works great, but when I used a mega8515L, nothing happens. The mega8515 worked fine in the dev board too, so finally figured out that my 3.69mhz crystal resonates correctly with the 90S8515, but not the mega. They are apparently pin compatible chips, though the mega has "slightly different electrical characteristics." Damn. So now I'm thinking of ordering my own board from ExpressPCB.com. anybody know any other good places? ExpressPCB has a nice simple free CAD product too, so I got started designing (err, translating) my board, here. I know, that design sucks, reading up on it now =) (this board is basically a many controls -> rs232 serial interface, that will effectively be the foot controlling board, for the Jesusonic) The last jams Brennan and I had last friday (040820*) were awesome. A couple of good songs in there, repeated over and over, too.
freeform jam with brenchrfrancisgerm
Posted by Justin on Sun 25 Sep 2005 at 16:22 from 64.81.54.x
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