March 29, 2005
more progress
Fun fun fun. Motherboard and CF reader mounted, keyboard/trackball mounted, LCD almost mounted
(retaining mechanism needs to be finished), microcontroller firmware for knobs, footswitches,
LED display, multiple-device-on-one-serial port support, etc, done. Need to install the audio
hardware (sound board, transformers, 1/4" TRS jacks) and build UI hardware (knobs,
microcontroller board, etc). Need to build the detachable footboard (with its footswitches
and microcontroller and LEDs). And then the second preprototype will be done, and if I dig it
I'll have to go see how I can build ones similar to it quickly and cheaply, *sigh*.
Also, the whole secular "SKULR" doesn't really translate well. any suggestions?