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NINJAM has been getting some love
April 21, 2007
Been updating NINJAM, after integrating it into REAPER. The REAPER version has a much revised UI, and now supports sending stereo streams, a low latency voice chat mode, and will soon get a fancy "Session mode" that will ease long distance collaboration on projects.

Also updated the NINJAM AutoSong program and web site.. Been listening to playlists of random songs cut, and they're getting very good! I improved the program that does the cutting/mixing last week too.. Uses smarter volume detection and mixing logic, also does nice fadeouts.

Been having fun improving various aspects of REAPER that have been lacking.. The biggest one coming that's almost done is making loop selections and playback and recording sub-sample accurate. In previous versions looping was only accurate to the audio block. Soon it will be VERY accurate..


Posted by J** S***** on Mon 23 Apr 2007 at 23:42 from 68.79.23.x

The updated AutoSong is very cool. It's way more entertaining than I imagined it would be.

Posted by Jay on Fri 11 May 2007 at 12:18 from 68.79.23.x

What's the deal with the various blog names in the site navigation?

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