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November 8, 2007
OK I'm going to start using this more so REAPER users can see what's happening with development. The last bit of time has been spent on Mac porting. To do the mac port we are developing some software called SWELL, which is part of WDL.

SWELL allows you to easily adapt Windows code to target Quartz natively. It's not trying to be completely compatibility like WINE or WINELib, but rather is focusing on providing the minimal subset, with maximum efficiency and minimal overhead. I'm actually getting into it, too.

If you are a Windows developer considering porting stuff to OS X, you should check it out. Well, actually wait a few weeks cause we're in the process of making it a LOT better. :) Oh and don't forget to remap XCode's keys to make it behave more like MSVC!

1 Comment:

Posted by cryptomail on Wed 14 Nov 2007 at 15:02 from 63.247.135.x

Thank you thank you thank you.
Thank you thank you thank you.

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