I've been programming too much, neglecting other things (and a particular person and cat as well), so now that REAPER v0.52 seems stable enough, I'm going to take a few days off to take care of those things as well as think about the best way to do things that need to be done with REAPER. Phew, that was a long sentence. So it's not really taking days off, anyway, it's really just "not programming" for a few. we'll see how long that lasts.
Posted by aHoHo on Thu 26 Jan 2006 at 05:10 from 216.15.50.x
Posted by jarjar2020@hotmail.com on Sat 28 Jan 2006 at 15:01 from 68.94.71.x
Posted by deadfish2000@gmail.com on Thu 02 Feb 2006 at 02:30 from 62.171.198.x
Posted by J** S***** on Fri 03 Feb 2006 at 14:48 from 128.211.254.x
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