justin = {main feed , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
January 1, 2008
(this serves as a reply to those who texted me HNY and didn't get a response from me).

The Radiohead NYE special was (predictably?) good. Mmm. My tivo won't erase that for a while.

We migrated to SVN for version control a while back. Definitely liking it, and Tortoise SVN rules. No good free mac SVN clients I've found, though (anybody?). So for now the command line version isn't bad. I can't believed I'd used VSS and/or SourceOffSite for over 8 years. Eep.

I've set up an SVN server for use with audio and REAPER projects, to aide in some collaboration. It's sort of working, although I think most people aren't used to version control.

Someone REALLY needs to make a web site where you can upload projects with media, then other people can make derived versions, and upload them, and you can go through the whole tree of projects etc. Seriously. Either using something like SVN or whatever. Would be awesome to open up that sort of collaboration. I know there are sites out there doing half of this, but I haven't seen it done really well.

Oh and I never posted this link here, our show we played in November:

But now sadly Christophe has fled the country off to a beach somewhere, and we're lonely and drummerless.

What else? Well it'll have to wait til next time.


freeform jam with biderman


Posted by Mauricio Gomes on Wed 02 Jan 2008 at 08:59 from 208.39.168.x

Check out scplugin.tigris.org/

It is an SVN client for mac that integrates with finder.

Posted by Marco Mustapic on Wed 02 Jan 2008 at 20:44 from 190.136.127.x

Posted by Justin on Fri 04 Jan 2008 at 21:32 from 64.81.54.x

scplugin is almost tolerable, but lacks wildly when compared to tortoisesvn... :)

Posted by chad on Fri 29 Feb 2008 at 23:54 from 75.187.54.x

Try out SmartSVN. It has both a foundry edition (free) and a fee based version. Great option for osX.

Posted by dimovich on Sun 09 Mar 2008 at 06:27 from 86.106.248.x

damn...there is so much Nirvana spirit in this band....

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