justin = {main feed , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
A day of Deerhoof, fatseal, and Dungen... is a good day.
October 16, 2010


Posted by andrew on Sun 17 Oct 2010 at 05:24 from 70.42.89.x

hopefully you didn't walk away with any bed bugs. NYC is full of bed bug infestations right in the subway cars. which have led to a problem that has shut down a broadway theater, and a major emergency room in Brooklyn. silly little critters are ruining that fine town.

Posted by Peter Rabbit on Thu 21 Oct 2010 at 09:43 from 66.237.165.x

My dream come true!


Posted by Ryan Hupfer on Thu 21 Oct 2010 at 17:08 from 173.13.174.x

Hey Justin, I literally just realized that you were they guy who created Winamp -- for some unknown reason I landed on the Winamp Wikipedia page. Anyways, I wanted to say that you created an amazing product that will always have a special place in my life.

Yeah, that sounds a little weird, but it's true. Without Winamp my college experience would of been WAAAAY different. If you're still around the Bay Area I live in SF and would love to buy you a beer sometime to hear some of your stories. If not, that's cool too. Just wanted to let you know that you're pretty awesome in my book.

Hope to hear from you soon --

Ryan Hupfer

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